Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well, so it begins. Summer- crazy, hectic, fun summer. June is always nuts and this one may set a record. Not only do we have three birthdays and an anniversary but this June will bring new beginnings for so many. My mom will be having her surgery on June 11th. Hopefully we can get my dad moved and settled by the first week of June. Don't forget Evan's first b-day. Mikey is moving this week-end and Kerri will be moving by the middle of the month, right after mom's surgery. Oh yea, Mikey's 25th b-day is sandwiched between Evan's and mom's surgery. Then of course comes 2 weeks of re-hab for mom, and Mike's b-day and our anniversary toward the end of the month. Oh I almost forgot, a big friends of the Pressley's picnic on the 16th. OMG!!as the "my-spacer's" say. I hope this old lady can keep up!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

We closed on my mom and dad's house this week. She cried. The end of chapters in your life are some of the hardest things to deal with. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. The older you get, the more final the chapters. It's the memories of the chapters that help us watch them come to an end. Unfortunately, my dad has very few memories of this chapter. It just doesn't seem fair.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I like to pass good things on. This speaks to me, maybey it will you.

Who is this King of Glory that persues me with His love
And haunts me with each hearing of His softly spoken words
My conscience, a reminder of forgiveness that I need
Who is this King of Glory who offers it to me

Who is this King of angels, O blessed Prince of Peace
Revealing things of heaven and all its mysteries
My spirit's ever longing for His grace in which to stand
Who is this King of glory, Son of God and son of man

His name is Jesus, precious Jesus
The Lord almighty, the King of my heart
The King of glory

Who is this King of Glory with strength and majesty
And wisdom beyond measure, the gracious King of kings
The Lord of earth and heaven, the creator of all things
Who is this King of glory, He's everything to me

The Lord of earth and heaven, the creator of all things
He is the King of glory, He's everything to me.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I had a great Mother's Day. My entire family went to church together. That hasn't happened in a long time. That was really all I needed for the day. Then Kerri and Eric fixed lunch, what a treat!! My husband gave Kerri and me gift cards for massages and pedicures at Penzones and we hung out all day just being together. My Mom came over for a short while by herself. She looked so pretty. I think it was relaxing for her to not have to worry about my Dad being there. Today Kerri and I are going to take her out for a late lunch to celebrate being mothers. I was working in my parents yard the other day and an old neighbor that I had grown up with was visiting her mother. I asked her if she had any children and she very happily said an emphatic "no". I really felt sorry for her. I am so blessed. Thanks kids!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I got through my eye surgery - piece of cake. The recovery was a little challenging but overall a good experience. One week later and I'm already seeing 20/40. And one week after joining weight watchers, we'll see what the total is tonight, but my scales show 5 lbs. off!!! I really like this program. I feel like I am eating well and it is an easy plan to follow. Wow, the glasses gone, the weight gone, I'm going to be a new woman!! Ha!! or LOL as the myspacers say.
Mike was out of town overnight last night and I was thinking that it's really cool that we have been married almost 33 yrs and I still miss him when he's gone. I'm a pretty lucky woman. I hope and pray that will be true for my children when they reach this point in life. Right now my life is full of stuff life is made of. Life Happens. I thank God for my wonderful parents and the opportunity to help them in this new chapter of their life. I thank Him for a husband that continues to be the best friend that I so often need. I am thankful for a daughter and son-in-law that listen and obey the shepherd's voice and for a son and future daughter-in-law that are starting a new and exciting life together. And I am extra thankful for three handsome little boys that continue to light up this life in such a special way. Yea, life happens and it isn't always good but God has given me all I need and I am happy.