Monday, March 31, 2008

My baby boy is married!! I'm not sure I have processed that yet. But it was a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful day. So much of their future is unknown, but then again, that is true for all of us.
I realized that day that I have some wonderful friends. Their support was overwhelming and their love was real and genuine. I thank God for the people He has placed in our life to travel this journey with us.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I don't often post twice so quickly, but this is just too good to ignore. My wonderful son-in-law gave me a book by Henri Nouwen and I opened it to today's reading. WOW!! Why can other people put my feelings into words so much better than I? This says exactly what I am feeling. I'm sure you have been there.

"[There is] a time for mourning, a time for dancing" (Ecclesiastes 3:4). But mourning and dancing are never fully separated. Their times do not necessarily follow each other. In fact, their times may become one time. Mourning may turn into dancing and dancing into mourning without showing a clear point where one ends and the other starts.
****don't miss this part!! Often our grief allows us to choreograph our dance while our dance creates the space for our grief. We lose a beloved friend, and in the midst of our tears we discover an unknown joy. We celebrate a success, and in the midst of the party we feel deep sadness. Mourning and dancing, grief and laughter, sadness and gladness - they belong together as the sad-faced clown and the happy-faced clown, who make us both cry and laugh. Let's trust that the beauty of our lives becomes visible where mourning and dancing touch each other.

Our prayers are being answered in the midst of really hard circumstances. I'm finding that mourning and dancing take a lot of energy that only God can provide.
My son is getting married tomorrow. I am very happy. He is making good decisions and allowing God to be in those choices. I have real hope for his future. But sometimes with the storm howling, it is hard to sense that hope. I told Nicole last night that we just have to lock arms, put our heads down and plow through to the other side of the storm, because there is a beautiful life waiting there. We only have God to thank for that!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter - 2008 It couldn't have been better!! It was a beautiful, beautiful day from beginning to end. I was feeling a little heavy about everything but I was able to renew my hope today. He is risen, He is risen indeed!! Now we will prepare to celebrate Mike and Nicole and get ready for a beautiful wedding.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My friend Ruth found these little bears and they just seemed perfect for our little girls that will be coming to us soon. I keep them in my bedroom until the day comes I can hand them to them. They are a reminder to me to keep our little girls surrounded by prayer. We don't know what they look like or their names but we already love them. I know God is watching over them. We can't wait for the day when they arrive but until then, they will sit in my room (as long as Evan isn't around - one went missing for a few days!!) and I will pray. God bless you, little ones. He loves you and so do we.
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