Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What a good day Sunday was. Austin Michael Pressley was dedicated to the Lord. This was quite an experience for me - somewhat surreal considering all we have been through. He is a very sweet child and he has already brought great joy to our family. Mike is gone for most of the week and it is really getting cool. Another year almost gone. It has been good, we are very blessed. A lot of talk lately about our country's future. All I can say is I know who is in control. I'm looking forward to my picnic I have once a year. Mikey won't be here but it should be fun. Austin is spending the day with Daddy so Nana has a day off. Lot's of stuff to do better get busy.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tomorrow my son and his wife will be dedicating their little boy to the Lord. This may not be all that remarkable but some of you know the journey our family has been on over the past few years. It truly is a miracle. Not just the dedication, but that my son is alive, is over 230 days sober and living such a radically different lifestyle - all miracles. It is definitely a "God" thing. Prayers are answered. I should never doubt that after watching Him work over the past several months. But as I write that I realize, He's been working a lot longer than that. He works when we don't see what He is doing. It is our job to trust until it becomes evident. Sometimes that takes a long time. I have been praying for the little ones He will give to us from Liberia and those prayers are truly blind prayers. I have no idea what their lives look like but I know one thing - God loves them and is taking very good care of them. Prayers will be answered!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My husband and I were having a quiet late dinner on the deck last night. He looked at me and said, "you will never guess what I did today". Well, I usually hold my breath when he starts a conversation this way, I'm never quite sure what will follow. But he looked at me and proceeded to tell me about doing something that I know was very, very difficult for him. But he knew he needed to do it to make things right with him and someone else. I understand you really can't appreciate this because I'm not giving the details. But trust me, this was big. You see, I'm blessed to be married to a wonderful man that strives to follow God. I have watched him for thirty some years struggle and grow into this true man of God and I am very grateful to have him in my life.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yesterday was a great day. First I put baby Austin to sleep. He is a little out of sync lately. I can't think of a better way to spend an hour. Kerri was going out with friends from church so I spent the evening with the other three grandsons. We ate berry granola dessert together and then I watched Riley and Trey sing to Highschool Musical. What a hoot!! Trey and I worked on a puzzle while Evan "cooked" pretend food for me. I can't think of a better way to spend an evening.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It's almost fall - hard to believe. I've been printing off pictures and reminiscing about all the memories those pictures hold. It seems like the older I get, the faster the chapters of my life go by. Mikey and Nicole are packing to move their little family to their own space. Kerri and Eric continue to prepare to add to their not so little family. My mom has found out that life goes on without her partner of so many years and she is doing o.k. with that. I miss my dad, I really miss him. Things change so quickly. I don't like losing touch with people that have been in my life. So...I joined Facebook. Never thought I would but I did. I'm trying to catch up with people that were once there and now aren't. It's a good thing for me.
Monday, September 08, 2008

It's been a while - very busy!! My husband and I decided to take a last minute trip to Puerto
Rico. He had to be there on business so I followed a couple days later and spent the Labor Day week-end. We had a great time. It was really good timing for me to get away. The little family that has been dwelling in my house will be moving to their own apartment in a couple weeks. They are really excited. Austin in growing like a weed. Looks like Mikey will be starting a new job soon. I am looking forward to Fall. Summer went very quickly as it always does but Fall is nice. We just had a garage sale to raise money for the adoption. It was tiring, fun and very profitable. So many people donated things it was overwhelming. Watching the kids with their cookies, brownies and lemonade behind a sign asking for donations to bring their sisters home from Africa was priceless. Life is good.
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