Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Meditating this morning I realized how many beautiful women are in my life. Women that have been a huge part of my life in many different ways. Family and friends that are like family. This morning I began thinking about my prayer list and the fact that it is full of those women and they really need prayers on their behalf. Prayers to understand what is happening in their bodies, prayers to heal that lifelong partner, prayers to open doors to the calling they feel on their lives. I would love to know and deliver all their answers, but I don't. So.... I pray in faith believing that one day these beautiful women will receive. So today and tomorrow and the day after that, I promise to continue to lift you all up and stand with you til we see His hand.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Well, we spent most of our Saturday shopping. "What are we shopping for?" you might ask. Well.... in 1999, I owned a beautiful little candy apple red mustang. I loved that car. I had it for three months and totaled it. I have mourned that car for 10 years now. We went shopping for a mustang. But my husband doesn't want just a mustang. Men and women really look at cars from different viewpoints. This time around, it won't be a necessary car it will be a toy, something that we take joy rides in. My husband found that toy today. It is a 2009 Shelby Mustang convertible, blue with a wide racing strip down the middle. I told my husband I would look ridiculous driving this car but I got behind the wheel and boy was it fun. My husband and I are fairly practical people and this is a big step. It's on a 24 hr. hold at the dealership and we are "sleeping on it". I'll let you know what happens.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trey is on spring break this week and we had a date. I took him to see Bedtime Stories. Great flick by the way. It was so much fun to hear him giggle throughout the movie. Trey is special. I keep getting the feeling that he will contribute greatly to this world. I really had fun with him. But I sat there, staring at him as he watched the screen and wished I could go back. He seemed to slip through my hands as a toddler. I look forward to lots of dates with this young man, I can only hope he wants to spend time with his Nanna for lots of dates to come.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Last night I went to see PRAY THE DEVIL BACK TO HELL. An unbelievable true story of some ordinary yet extraordinary women who refused to settle for the life they and their children were living because of evil. It is the story of Liberia and it is something everyone should see. I watched these strong, passionate women join together and accomplish something truly remarkable and wondered if I would have the strength and determination in that situation. They were tired of running from murderers and rapists and watching their children live a life of hell on earth. Yet they did it all through prayer and sacrifice, they never raised an earthly weapon. Go see this movie. It will move you.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today would have been my Dad's 90th birthday. I have his picture hanging in my entryway in a frame that quotes Jeremiah 17:7-8. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream... its leaves are always green." That is how my dad lived his life and that is the heritage he left me. My dad left us on some level several months before his body actually left. I really thought I would have an easier time with his death because of that. I was wrong. I miss him greatly. He was a wonderful man who never had an enemy. He had one of the sweetest spirits I have ever known. A huge hole has been left in our family that will never be filled. We were all truly blessed to have had him as a husband, a father, a grandfather and a true example of a man of God. Happy birthday Dad.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
Kerri just sent us pictures of little Nana. What an absolute sweetheart!! I just can't wait to get my hands on her. We all needed this shot in the arm, especially my daughter. We pray and pray and pray and sometimes it gets really disheartening when we don't see much happening. But that's what faith is all about. God is at work and one day soon, we will see the results of our prayers and Kerri and Eric's hard work. A place is waiting for her in this family and I am sure it won't be long. We are saving up lots of hugs and kisses for her. I think she needs to be a little older and stronger to survive Evan the "pickle". Hopefully she'll be able to hold her own!!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
I got on my knees and prayed for rain today. Not the kind of rain that we talk about when we say,"April showers bring may flowers". The kind of rain that we need when our souls are dry. I mentioned some very special people in my prayers, people that I love dearly but God loves even more. Some are struggling, some are searching. Some are searching for answers and some are simply searching for God. Some need healing and some need faith and patience. All of them need God to carry them through. I prayed that God would be their "very present help". I know that in all these things that I brought today, He is working. And yes, I included myself in that prayer. I so want my grandchildren to see God's love for them through me. I pray that when I look at them, speak to them and touch them, that they will sense how wonderful God truly is.
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