Well, it happened. That horrible thing that ruins everybody's week-end and makes Monday morning even worse. Yes, it happened, Ohio State lost. I chuckle everytime this happens anymore, because I remember a season a few years ago when we followed the Buckeyes from a hospital room. We were counting our blessings that our son was still with us, and hoping he would be able to live a somewhat normal life after a terrible car accident. My husband was sitting by his bed reading the editorials and came across one that referred to a recent loss as if it was the end of his world. My husband replied to that letter and his was also published in the paper. When things like that happen, your world is turned upside down and when you come out of it, you realize you look at things from a completely different perspective. You are never the same. So... the Buckeyes lost, I went to bed and had a peaceful night sleep and the sun woke me up this morning and all is o.k. My kids and grandkids are happy and healthy, and life continues. I think I have figured out what is really important.