Well, my mom is moved. A new chapter. It was time. Even she knew it. It was quite a battle, not with her but with the insurance. But I'm not going to re-hash that, it is over and we won. Enough said. Some major burdens have been lifted with this move. Burdens off both my mom and me. Now when I visit her, I won't be playing the role of a mom quite as much. She won't end up with a headache because of all my questions and lecturing. Someone else, with a different perspective will be making sure she is taking care of herself and taking care of her where needed. I wasn't good at that role, did my best but fell very short. Today I will unpack some boxes of her few prized possessions that are left. As I was packing her boxes, I saw a woman that was clinging to things that reminded her of a happier, younger time. It hit me that life is a cycle and at some point, we find ourselves in places that require us to purge. It happens slowly, weaning us away from the "stuff" we hold so close. Until one day, we have very little left, just our memories and the ones we love more than life.
My daughter recommended a wonderful book to me. It is called 1000 Gifts and it is excellent. I had time to read it at market. Haven't had much time since I've returned, but I WILL pick it up again this week-end. It has been a real gift to me. Thanks Kerri.