The last month has been hard. Mom had a really bad fall and ended up in the hospital. She is now in skilled care at New Albany and they want to try her back in her apartment. I really have mixed emotions about that. It's just been really hard. Thank goodness my sister was here while she was in the hospital. Actually right now there is stress everywhere I look. I am usually not that negative but I'm just being realistic. I am sure we will get through it. Enough said.
My grandkids are still the joy of my life. I love them so much and they are so special. We will be going to Lake Erie soon, looking forward to some quality time with them.
Mike and I will be leaving for Jamaica this Saturday. Yayyyyyy!!!! So looking forward to this trip. Can't believe we are celebrating 40 years together. I am a very blessed woman to have the privilege of traveling this life with this man. Hoping we can leave some stress in Jamaica! Ha!