Tuesday, August 16, 2005

God has really been speaking to me about "practicing His presence". Seems as if I have gone through a time in my life that I haven't done that quite as naturally as I have in the past. A lot of how I have been feeling lately made sense when God tapped me on the shoulder and made me aware of this. He has also gone out of His way in the past 24 hrs. to show me that He is still at work in the lives of people. A long time friend of mine has had physical problems for the past 2 yrs. Long story short; she was in the operating room at the Mayo Clinic already under and ready and the doctor decided for some reason to do one more test to see what he was facing. The kidney blockage that she had arrived with was no longer there. They literally scratched their heads and sent her home. She feels great, no white cells in her blood or urine and there is no stint in her kidney. Go figure!!! I really love the Lord tonight. Just needed to say that. As Riley says, "Dod is dood, yes He is." Prayers go out for my family tonight, especially for Ginger. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Joy comes in the morning. Hugs to all my family.

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