Friday, May 28, 2010

My emotions seem to be right up on the surface today. Not sure what is going on. The feelings are all mixed up but primarily good. The tree my dad and Ralph planted for me is sick but they have promised me it won't be fatal. I love that tree, I really enjoy watching it. It makes me feel like all is right with the world. It reminds me of the people in my life that helped me get grounded. I've been thinking a lot about the people that I miss and about the people that are still here filling up my life and making it so rich. Love to you all.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I can't believe it but we are counting down and there are only 18 days til vacation. What happened to the year? It can't possibly be time for another 2 weeks at the beach. But.... here we are. Two weeks of surf and sand, fudge, sea gulls and crabs, fudge, beautiful sunrises and the sounds of the ocean, and fudge. Oh my, sounds like heaven to me. I can't wait.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Two weeks of jury duty over. I'm glad for that but also glad I had the experience. It wasn't easy. I was on a difficult case with nothing but circumstantial evidence. I wasn't able to do what I really wanted to do. I learned a lot about the justice system, about how some people live and make choices and about myself. It's not a perfect system but I am glad we live in a country that believes in not guilty til so proven. Unfortunately, it sometimes CAN'T be proven.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day 2010....another blessed day. Kerri visited Eric's mom this year so it was just Mike, Nicole, Austin, Mom and Mike. We had a nice lunch at the countryclub. Austin made us laugh and once again, I was in awe of how lucky I am to be so loved. My son gave me a card that is hard for me to believe it wasn't written especially for me. I really want to share it. Those of you who are familiar with our history will see how special this card really was.

From your Son... When I think about all the times I made you worry, it makes me appreciate how well you handled the challenging job of being my mom. The good news is, those days are behind us now, and we both made it through. And you know what? You did good. Really good. Happy Mother's Day.

Oh, he was a challenge. But I wouldn't trade him for any other son on the face of the earth. He has grown into a very good man. Thanks for being my son Mikey.