Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well, summer is officially over. I made my normal stop at my favorite farm market for my peaches and was informed that this was the last they would have for the summer. Not a big deal to most but for me it is. See, I really like peaches. But only GOOD peaches and they are not easy to find. And everytime I eat a peach I think of my Papaw. I remember lots of days with my Papaw(the most wonderful person that every walked the earth!!) But one day I really remember is the day he put me in his truck and we drove to the roadside market. On the way home the peaches were in the back and finally it was more than we could stand. He pulled over on the side of the road, reached in back and handed me a peach. We sat there together eating our peaches but they weren't ordinary peaches. They were so big I had to use two hands and they were so juicy it rolled down my arms. That's the only way to eat a peach. Well, when I found out that this was the last of the peaches of course I had to buy a bunch. So this week, everytime I eat a peach I will have to eat one more for Papaw.

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