Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Another nice week-end. Some good friends were over Friday night and Kerri and the boys spent the night. I always love that. One evening we had an impromptu invitation to our neighbors. They had grilled too much food and we shared a meal with them on their porch. Sometimes things that aren't planned are the best. The exterior of our house has been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint. Vacation is getting closer and I will probably start piling things in the corner to begin packing. Trey has no idea what the beach is but everytime we mention it he claps and puts his hands up in the air. I think he sees the smiles on our faces and figures it must be something good. Mike will be leaving again Sunday for yet another market. I bought the coolest desk lamp with a little fan in it - hopefully it will take care of my hot flashes. I'm just rambling but what that means is life is fairly normal. Yes, normal even boring can be good. We were woken up at 1:30 a.m. by the phone ringing. Scared the #*!^ out of us. Too many of those over the years and you tend to find your stomach in your throat when it happens. Luckily it was a wrong number. Think I'll close now and see if there is anything interesting on e-bay.

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