Friday, October 06, 2006

Everyone needs to get a copy of the Faith & Value section of the Dispatch or look it up on the net. At the bottom of the first page is an example of missional living in every sense of the word and I have had the privilege of knowing this man since I was 5 yrs old. I love how he is described by one man as being immaculately humble, and an excessive servant. He was my optometrist for years, I even worked for him for a while. I still attend church with him. He has used his gifts to the fullest and is always ready to give what he has. He is a true inspiration and I am a better person for knowing him. I have been thinking lately of the blessings God has given me by the people that have been placed in my life. The people in our lives play such a role in making us who we are and I thank God for surrounding me with some of the very best.

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