Friday, November 28, 2008

Well, another beautiful Thanksgiving. We had everyone together at least for a short time. Eric had to go to work and Mikey had to go to in-laws. We all ate too much but oh well... Of course something usually happens in my kitchen to make the dinner eventful. Not too many years ago, it was my oven, yes my oven. I got pretty ugly or so I'm told. This year it was the dishwasher. So.. we washed by hand and used Chinet plates to make it slightly easier to clean up. But that wasn't the end of it My husband decided that he would try to will the dishwasher to work and continued putting it through its cycles only to force water through to the ceiling of the basement. Yes, that's right, our ceiling is falling!!! Gotta love it. So, tonight we will be dishwasher shopping. I wrote on my facebook that I had finally learned to keep life in perspective. This is no big deal. So the Pressley family is happy and well, and looking forward to the Christmas holiday and a brand new year.

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