Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009 is upon us. Seems as if we were just taking that big plunge into 2000. Where does time go? I have been acknowledging to myself and to God this morning that I often approach a new year with trepidation ; don't know why but I do. This year seems a little different ; don't know why it just does. I guess that is the reason for my new year apprehension - all the "don't know's". But if I stop and think about it, that is true for each new day, it just seems bigger when I look at a new year. So, I will continue to live one day at a time into this new year (or at least try) and try to never lose sight that I need Him, every hour I need Him.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain
Come quickly and abide or life is vain.

1 comment:

kerri said...

Living a day at a time gets easier and easier as God continues to prove that He will bring peace despite our circumstances. When I think about last year this time...and where we are now. Wow, He is so faithful and deserves our trust. Riley prayed last night..."Jesus, help us to trust that You will bring Nana home on the right path." Such wisdom from a seven year old.
Mom, I love you so much. Thanks for all you did to make Christmas so special, as always!