Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cold Sunday morning. Austin was at the emergency room again and with Daddy gone, it was stressful on Nicole, so I was on the phone with her a lot. He's fine after another steroid treatment. He even told his mommy (at two o'clock in the a.m.) " that was fun!" He was telling the nurse about his "baby Coya". I don't know how many furniture markets I have lived through, but I still don't like them. They are the biggest necessary evil in my life. But....once more, I will persevere! February would be brutal if it wasn't for my wonderful husband taking me to Puerto Rico again. I am so looking forward to the sun and sand. I need to find a good book to take and update my i-pod.
I really do have a lot of projects to accomplish, Cora's book not being the least of these. Can't believe she will soon be a year.

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