Sunday, July 08, 2012

Another wonderful beach trip comes to an end.  Beautiful weather and everyone staying healthy was a blessing.  However, every year the days blur together.  Our goal for most days is to get as much sun and eat as much fudge as is reasonably possible.  Because we throw our at home routine to the wind, days seem to blur together in a beautiful haze.  This is fine but I find at the end, I would like to be able to mark more days. Oh don't get me wrong, every year leaves me with moments I will never forget.  One morning I was walking with the kids and they were trying to fit their feet into footprints that had gone before them.  I was suddenly struck by the thought that we all leave footprints and I hope my grandchildren and children believe the ones I leave behind will be worthy of following.  I am going to take my son-in-law's advice and next year I will journal everyday.  I'm anxious to take a look at the pictures I took.  (I took ALOT!!)  Yes, it was a wonderful trip but everyday is a wonderful day.  I really need to get back to blogging more to mark the ordinary days as the gifts they are.

1 comment:

stephen1954 said...

like footprints, we leave behind love and kindness for others to experience and share. thanks for the post debby!
