Saturday, July 29, 2006

Another week-end. After working at my mom's house for a few hours I swore I would not leave that much stuff for my kids to sort through. So...every year I will clean out my house. We worked on the basement today. Now we have a garage full of junk. It feels good to get rid of stuff and get somewhat organized. We have an olympic star in the family. Riley won first place in the softball throw at the toddler olympics. He was the youngest in the event and brought home the blue ribbon. Tomorrow we dedicate little Evan and we will bring Riley and Trey home to spend the night and go to the zoo Monday. I am really looking forward to spending some time with them. Evan is smiling and trying to make noises. He is so sweet. I love my boys. Mike and Mikey have gone for Chipotle and I think the rest of the day will be relaxation with my two bigger boys.

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