Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tomorrow my son and his wife will be dedicating their little boy to the Lord. This may not be all that remarkable but some of you know the journey our family has been on over the past few years. It truly is a miracle. Not just the dedication, but that my son is alive, is over 230 days sober and living such a radically different lifestyle - all miracles. It is definitely a "God" thing. Prayers are answered. I should never doubt that after watching Him work over the past several months. But as I write that I realize, He's been working a lot longer than that. He works when we don't see what He is doing. It is our job to trust until it becomes evident. Sometimes that takes a long time. I have been praying for the little ones He will give to us from Liberia and those prayers are truly blind prayers. I have no idea what their lives look like but I know one thing - God loves them and is taking very good care of them. Prayers will be answered!!

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