Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow has this been a strange start to a new year. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a lack of focus. I had my typical post-holiday funk and I worked through that. Now I just can't get motivated to do all the projects I need to be doing. Why in heaven's name am I having such a hard time beginning Austin's scrapbook??!! I have a grand total of one page done. That is pathetic. I feel like I have developed old age ADD or something. It's driving me crazy. I need to take off those holiday pounds and I don't seem to care. You'd think I would be motivated as I am going to have to put on a bathing suit in a few short weeks for my trip to Florida. But noooooo.... I just keep eating. I have, however, begun working out with my Wii Fit. - three whole days in a row. I did some work on the exercise ball this morning too. I partially clean a room and then I find myself distracted by nothing, and it stays half-way done. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM???!!!! @#%%$#!!

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