Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another blessed week-end. We had some dear friends over last night and Kerri and the boys spent the night with us. I love being able to have extra time (not just on Christmas day) to spend in my house with the boys enjoying the decorations and expectation of Christmas. Mikey came over and watched the Bengals win with his dad. It was just a nice week-end. Hopefully Mike is on the mend and he will feel better tomorrow. He really likes the way the muscle relaxers help him sleep. Ha! I really hope some of the pain has subsided by tomorrow. Another week. They just keep flying by. Looks like some more snow. My prayer tonight is that I will never take a day for granted. I am so blessed and I hope I can pass some of my blessings on to someone this week. Good Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish my mom would blog.
