Thursday, December 01, 2005

Reading from one of my very favorite books today; "Disciplines for the Inner Life":

"Freedom from anxiety is characterized by three inner attitudes. If what we have we receive as a gift, and if what we have is to be cared for by God, and if what we have is available to others, then we will possess freedom from anxiety. 'This is the inward realit of simplicity.'
...To receive what we have as a gift from God is the first inner attitude of simplicity. We work but we know that it is not our work that gives us what we have. We live by grace even when it comes to daily bread...What we have is not the result of our labor, but of the gracious care of God. When we are tempted to think that what we own is the result of our personal efforts, it takes only a little drought or a small accident to show us once again how radically dependent we are for everything.
To know that it is God's business and not ours to care for what we have is the second inner attitude of simplicity. God is able to protect what we possess We can trust Him... Simplicity means the freedom to trust God for these and all things.
To have our goods available to others marks the third inner attitude of simplicity. Martin Luther said somewhere, 'If our goods are not available to the community they are stolen goods.' The reason we find these words so difficult is our fear of the future...But if we truly believe that God is who Jesus said He is, then we do not need to be afraid."
Richard J. Foster

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Michayla said...
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