Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My pastor spoke a couple weeks ago about waiting on God. It seems as if there are a lot of areas of my life in which I am waiting to see God's hand. I was slightly frustrated the other day and I was telling Him that it would really be o.k. to take my Dad home to heaven. After all that's where he wants to be, what was He waiting on?! My mom went to visit him yesterday and his roommate started talking to her about my dad. He said, "your husband is the kindest, gentlest man of faith I have ever met. I sure wish I could be more like him." God doesn't always show us why His timing is what it is but in this case He was willing to give me a glimpse of how He was still using my dad and He just isn't finished with him here on earth. Sometimes through our earthly eyes it just doesn't make sense. But God's timing is always perfect. He is never late.

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