Sunday, April 17, 2005

Home Again

Well I made it back and survived another market. It went very well, some funny things to keep us sane. I think we pulled off keeping all the lines happy and the customers liked what they saw. I am really tired, probably more than ever. I chose not to take all my ingredients for my breakfast drink and that was a major mistake. Never again. It was really good to see both my kids yesterday. I am so proud of my children. No mother has been blessed with any better. Kerri is gone to Cincinnati with some friends and Eric has the boys visiting his parents. Looking forwawrd to seeing them tomorrow. I am trying to re-enter the real world and that partly involves resigning from my little job at Macy's. It is so cool to see how God prepares you for choices and changes He wants you to make or you just need to make. I know this is the next step I should make, I've just been waiting to know for sure. There is a mix up with Mikey's release date and our attorney is going to be working on that this week. It was so different to hear Mikey say that he was praying he could accept whatever the outcome is. The difference is an entire 30 days. That's big when you are where he is. it is wonderful to hear him talk about God's control in his life. He's come a long way!! Well, I'm going to try to get rested up and ready for a full week.

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