Saturday, February 05, 2005

The day after

I feel like I need a t-shirt that says I survived Friday, Feb. 4th. Delivering your son to jail and then coming home and getting a stomach flu rates right up there with one of the all time suckiest days you can have. I wouldn't wish what I went through with my son on anybody. I left him sitting in a dirty waiting room with a bunch of strangers, his new underwear and his Bible on his lap and looking very anxious. When I walked out, I couldn't look back. But we have talked to him three times and he is doing o.k. It is definitely making him pay his dues. Amazingly enough he still has his sense of humor. He is a great kid, quickly turning into an even greater young man. I appreciate everybody's prayers and would ask that you continue. We can't get by without them. I am feeling better (just a 24 hr. thing) and I'm going to meet Kerri at the mall. Just can't sit around here all day. My wonderful daughter stopped by last night with popsicles and flowers. What a sweetie.

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